9/16/2010 12:22:00 PM

TGS 2010: Capcom

Posted by McSimillian

Here's a quick post.

TGS (Tokyo Game Show) much like the E3 of the US held in Japan every year showcasing new and upcoming games had just started yesterday.

Personally, I've not been keeping up with the news but I heard that the first 2 game companies to start the show yesterday was Capcom and EA. And Capcom has 2 new games to show;

  • Devil May Cry 5 (dubbed just as DmC)
  • Asura's Wrath

Here's a lil photoshop I did with the original pic
Quite fitting no? LOL
*fangirl squeel*

To be honest that DmC trailer just now sucks ass yea?
Prepare to be relieved with the following trailer!
And it's Move compatible :D

Asura's Wrath

Cmon, was that awesome or was THAT AWESOME??!! Huh?!! xD
Can you feel the RAAAAGGGEE?!! CAN YA?!!
*St. Anger music playing in the background* LOL


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